Monday, July 17, 2006

sweet baby maeve

hi all. i don't mean to shock anyone, but i went and had myself a baby. not just any baby, but a perfect baby. and because this perfect little person will only be little for about a minute and a half, i'm taking a break from my shotty-at-best blogging career. i know daddy will keep you up on all the best baby news...

as for me, well, all i can say is it doesn't get any better than this.

Friday, July 07, 2006


the buffalo news published an article that explained blog was short for web blog.

i wonder if they think brunch is short for breakfast brunch.

Monday, July 03, 2006

pass the pickles

hi! i'm over the anger of the last post, so i would like to share the most wonderful thing to come from ice cream creators for some time: the Edy's Slow Churned. simply put, it's heavenly. now, i've grown partial to the caramel delight, however i see on the web site that there are over 30 flavors... but my local grocer only carries a handful. help a girl out, danny wegman!